Interest in remediating brownfield sites into useful commercial developments is growing, but the high costs of remediation remain a factor. Some owners of brownfield sites are mothballing their land until new technologies are developed, or the cost of remediation decreases; concerns with this approach is the risk of contamination entering the water system through rain and storm runoff and the risk of pollution through the airborne contaminated dust. Primary industrial site contamination is with hydrocarbons, solvents, heavy metals such as lead, and asbestos, as well as various pesticides and chemicals common in the urban environment. These contaminants cause severe human health effects, including cancers and neurodevelopmental retardation in babies and children.
Brownfield remediation is under the authority and supervision of the EPA and State regulatory Agencies. When owners and communities think about brownfield remediation for commercial development, site remediation costs and public safety are first priorities. But with the high cost of development for these locations, other factors can help communities prioritize cleanup. If the site is near already-existing urban infrastructure, such as transportation, and if the community has a prioritized need, such as increased walking spaces, green spaces, or housing, then, those areas may get cleanup funding.
Many municipalities have innovative programs in place to offer property owners incentives to redevelop brownfield lands. State environmental protection agencies work under the guidelines of the Federal EPA and have the authority to approve remediation and development plans. Tax credits are common to offset costs of cleanup, and many municipalities have various legal means to acquire brownfield properties for the city or state and do remediation and development themselves.
MT2 utilizes patented and proprietary ECOBOND® technology to mitigate potential physical, occupational, and environmental hazards associated with high concentrations of lead and other metals in soils. All technology achieves compliance with EPA and state regulatory agencies. This technology oftentimes allows the project costs to be kept very affordable.
A site investigation or remediation study is part of the planning before cleanup costs are estimated and work begun. A careful study of the site is undertaken and includes prior owners and usage and scientific assessment of type and amount of contaminants, including the possibility of buried contaminants. Site investigation also includes a study of the land surrounding the site, including public waterways, and plans are made to ensure that contaminants do not enter the waterways during remediation.
The remediation plan uses all of these factors for planning, as well as information about the contaminant itself, to give landowners and municipalities an estimate on cleanup costs.
In-situ Treatment and Remediation; Lead poisoning is just one classic example that reveals the actual compelling force behind remediation. Since the problem of lead and chemical poisoning through old pipes, paint, firing ranges, chemical and oil industrial plants to name only a few sources, has captured the public’s attention beginning a handful of decades ago, very little progress has occurred to fight the dreaded results of lead exposure until recently.
Along with this growing industry comes innovation. Technology is now evolving at an accelerated rate to address the various types of lead remediation that occur. Soil, paint, old pipes and so many other sources for this naturally occurring element in nature, present a challenge to industry to which they now seem ready to tackle. The task is multi-faceted, inviting and needing many different solutions.
MT2 is an industry leader in providing overall environmental cleanup soil remediation services on a nationwide basis. MT2 has processed over 1,000,000 tons of lead and other hazards-impacted materials utilizing our patented ECOBOND® technology. We provide a broad range of proven state-of-the-art investigation, stabilization technologies, waste removal and remedial construction services designed to define the problem and identify the optimal approach to cleanup and restoring the soil and sediments to acceptable levels.
MT2’s goal is to provide the highest quality service utilizing the most advanced and effective technologies in order to implement the best solutions to meet project needs with high integrity and honesty while reducing long-term costs and achieving results in the timeliest manner possible.
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