It can be a little discouraging to see that shooter putting round after accurate round into their target when you’re just starting out. Don’t be fooled, though, because everyone has to start somewhere. The truth is that shooting like a pro means learning how to shoot and perfecting the muscle memory, so don’t worry about […]
Firing Range Cleaning Services
Firing Range Cleaning Services
MT2 is the Firing Range Lead Management Authority who specializes in providing environmental firing range services, and lead remediation.
We are the nation’s #1 largest professional contractor for all your indoor and outdoor firing range service needs
Gun Range Cleaning Tips: GunStuff TV Interviews James Barthel, CEO of MT2 Firing Range Services about and Lead Reclamation for Indoor and Outdoor Shooting Ranges
In this episode, our President and CEO was interviewed about gun range cleaning services; keeping firing ranges, their shooters, and employees safe from the dangers of lead. Whether you are interested in hunting, home defense, or men and women in uniform, GunStuff TV brings shooting sports into 150 million homes for your edutainment. The GunStuff […]
Tips to Have a Safe and Enjoyable Time at the Gun Range
Visiting the gun range should be an enjoyable experience for everyone. However, most first-timers at a gun range are hesitant and don’t know what to do. Yet, once they learn the ropes, in most cases it becomes a hobby for them. Guns aren’t just there for fun, they’re also meant for self-defense. That’s only one […]
Important Considerations When Evaluating Qualifications to Select a Firing Range Lead Reclamation, Maintenance, Cleaning & Construction Contractor
Hiring a contractor can be daunting, many do not know where to start. However, when hiring a contractor for either construction or lead maintenance on firing ranges, it is even more important to hire a qualified professional. Due to the strict regulations, and potential hazards associated with working around lead, having a professional on your […]